Surveillance and Facility Excellence (SaFE in Lagos)

Changing world: new complexities & threats!

The SaFE solution

Provide a comprehensive Digital Health care Platform as a Service (DHPaaS) to health care organizations.

Digital tool package: simple, low-cost, artificial intelligence aided, hybrid (offline and online) & leverages existing datasets.

Solution will facilitate: efficient provision of health care services to clients & prompt interaction with relevant stakeholders/partners

Features of  SaFE digital platform


Machine readable & actionable case definitions & notifications for epidemiology signals and communication.

Facility Level

Client clinic, ward submodules. Laboratory and documentation submodules

Public Engagement

Feedback from community informants and citizens for public engagement. Also, allows real time survey of community health status and determinant of health.

Aim and Objectives


To improve surveillance-based activities and selfreporting of private facilities in Lagos State.


To deploy a hybrid epidemiology platform for disease surveillance in private health facilities in Lagos State

To evaluate the performance of a hybrid epidemiology platform for disease surveillance in private facilities in Lagos State

To improve the design and deployment of a hybrid epidemiology platform in partnership with MoH and other stakeholders

To improve reach and engagement of community informants for surveillance activities using a digitized epidemiology solution

Trusted Partners


Simple and Affordable Healthcare Solutions

Healthstack helps healthcare organizations use technology to offer joyful client-centric care while being efficient and improving their profitability at almost zero cost to their organizations.

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